McGrath Foundation Fundraising Super Squad

Inspiration and tips

Pink is the Colour of Parties

Party on in Pink this October! Host a dinner party, fashion show, trivia or whatever you're vibing. Get creative with how you pink it up. Cupcakes, fairy floss, flamingos, there are endless ways to Pink up your party.

Create a Pink inspired playlist
with some Pink Floyd, Bruce Springsteen's Pink Cadillac and of course you have to include some Pink.

Believe in yourself, have fun whilst making a difference. 

Set a goal and work towards it, it's ok to start small. 

Pink is the Colour we Play

There's nothing more Aussie than sunshine, sand, sea, sport and backyards. It's the perfect time to hold a Pink Stumps Day in your backyard and fire up the BBQ!

Show up in Pink, make a statement and wear something outrageously Pink. Keep it simple with the classic Hawaiian shirt or go for gold (or in this case Pink) with a Pink suit or Pink tutu.

Get moving, sign up to participate in your local fun run. Or hold a Pink bowls event, a zumba class, a golf day or whatever will rally your community.

Let people know why you are going all out in Pink

Pink is the Colour of Fun

Get your Pink posse together. Maybe they can donate raffle prizes or volunteer their time and expertise.

Who doesn't love a morning tea, get everyone to bring a plate, or host a friendly baking challenge.

Pink is powerful and you can have some fun with it! Dye your hair and start conversations this Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Share why you are Pinking up. Storytelling and fundraising go hand in hand. Your event is an opportunity to share your connection to the cause.

Be creative with your fundraising. The best ideas are the ones that appeal to your community and friends. Come up with an idea and then work out how to use it to raise funds in support of families experiencing breast cancer.